Ben Krynski

For the past eight years, Ben has been immersed in the emergency pre-hospital field. Beginning as a medic with the Israel Ambulance Service overseas volunteer program, Ben quickly became a leader, educating others. As an Instructor, Ben ensured new medics were capable of working in an emergency ambulance under very high-pressure situations in a dynamic part of the world.

In Australia, Ben has been training emergency medical skills for the past six, years with a focus on Simulation. As a member of the Simulation Australasia Human Dimensions Committee, Ben is at the forefront of evolving technologies and methodologies in simulation.

In a progression to ensure competency of qualifications in Australia, Ben is transferring his skills and knowledge into an Australian Paramedics degree qualification that he is due to complete in November 2016.

As the founder of Real First Aid, Ben consistently strives for excellence by pushing the boundaries of what is possible. His work in Israel has taken him to the Gaza strip border, having to conduct transfers in and out of the territories and Israeli hospitals, and the same in the north at the border of Syria, transferring casualties from army paramedics who have taken them from the end of the demilitarized zone.

His connection with India began in 2010 with his first trip to India. Since then Ben has been returning to India as often as he can, most recently to train the Australian High Commission in New Delhi and to scope out the market for Real First Aid’s services.


The Australia India Youth Dialogue (AIYD) is the pre-eminent track-two young leaders’ dialogue between Australia and India.


Abhijeet Kumar


Erin Watson-Lynn