AIYD 2015
The fourth conference of the AIYD was held in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia from 26 to 29 January 2015. Delegates of AIYD 2015 included CEOs, academics, leading journalists, public policy specialists, lawyers and politicians, an equality advisor specialising in women’s rights, a senior economic adviser, a media entrepreneur, a government trade expert, a local government and workforce specialist and a former international cricket player.
In addition to interacting with high profile speakers, the delegation had the opportunity to participate in a number of activities, including attending the one-day international cricket match between Australia and India on 26 January 2015 (Australia Day and Indian Republic Day). Delegates also interacted with Australian cricketers, cruised through Sydney’s famous harbour and learnt how to play Australian Rules Football with Richmond Football Club players.
The formal conference programme focused on the following themes in the context of the Australia-India relationship:
• Soft Power and Public Diplomacy
• Governance and Public Policy
• Nation Building
Australian Delegates
Project Manager, Workforce & International Development, Local Government Managers Australia
Indian Delegates
Alan Tudge, Senior Adviser, former Education Minister Brendan Nelson
Alex Chernov AC, Council of Legal Education, Honorary Consultant
Jan Owen AM, Linkedin Employee year 2000
Victor Dominello, MP, Minister for Citizenship and Communities and Minister for Aboriginal